Recent Accomplishments

In October 2003, Urban Renaissance Institute criticized UNICEF enlisting children aid political activities, broke news UNICEF supporting Palestinian summer camps encouraged children become suicide bombers.

When parents Canada elsewhere began demanding explanations UNICEF, UNICEF denied findings, calling them “baseless reckless.” May 2004, however, acknowledged had, indeed, been supporting summer camps inspired suicide bombing, pledged future would only promote camps furthered recreation an appreciation environment.

The notion tolling urban roads considered hopelessly unrealistic before foundation began promote 1996. After five years holding conferences, discussions with municipal leaders, interviews with media articles newspapers magazine, the idea now has support official circles. Transport Canada has endorsed concept, have traffic experts working City Toronto.
Urban Renaissance Institute has emerged Canada’s leading supporter sustainable family farm, leading critic current system heavily subsiding agriculture, which favours large scale farming expense family farm.

Until recently, Canadians overwhelmingly viewed rural areas, with their forests, mines, farms, backbone Canadian economy. Our many analyses showing these sectors enormous drains on national economy, cities enormous contributors, has changed perception. The debate Canada today now cast properly between cities rural areas. As U.K.’s Economist magazine reported September 25, 2003 article on Canada: “. . . today, most visible cleavage Canada not between French-speaking Quebec English-speaking rest, but between five large urban areas (dynamic, successful, with many immigrants but with strained public services) rest (mainly rural, declining economies with high unemployment, kept alive federal aid).”